Vision Board Workshop: How To Build A Powerful Community in 5 Steps

by | Feb 8, 2023 | Business Foundations, Blog

Hosting an in-person vision board workshop is an excellent way to reach more people and get your name out there. It’s an opportunity to take a step back and think about your ideal life goals. It’s sure to be a hit with those you serve in your business!

What Is a Vision Board Workshop?

A vision board workshop is an interactive setting where individuals come together to discuss their aspirations in life and create a visual representation of their dreams and goals. This can be a great way to meet new people, stay focused on goals, and have fun at the same time.

The vision board workshop can include a small fee to cover supplies, such as magazines, poster boards, glue, scissors, markers, glitter, and ribbon. However, those with prior experience may want to bring their own materials. Adding your unique flair can create an inviting environment that will draw in your ideal group. 

The Ultimate Guide to Vision Board Workshops

Here are five creative ways to host an in-person workshop:

1. Choose a business theme. 

It is so much easier to organize a business seminar in your hometown. Consider a local library, firehouse, or community center if you are limited on event locations.

Reach out to local business owners about the upcoming vision board workshop. Use the fact that you are a business owner in the community and incorporate how you have utilized their products or services in the past.

Be prepared to discuss how setting goals can increase productivity and efficiency among attendees. If you’d like to become more familiar with business owners in the area, now is the time to make connections and introduce yourself. 

If you have no idea where to start, here are some fun business themes that are guaranteed to invigorate and empower your vision board workshop participants:

  • Entrepreneurial Success: A vision board workshop focused on entrepreneurial success can help participants visualize and manifest their goals for starting or growing a business. Include images and words that represent their ideal business, such as a specific product or service, a target customer base, or a desired revenue stream.


  • Career Advancement: A vision board workshop focused on career advancement can help participants identify and pursue their professional goals. Include images and words representing their ideal job or career path, such as a specific industry or company, a desired salary or job title, or a particular skill set or area of expertise.


  • Work-Life Balance: A vision board workshop focused on work-life balance can help participants prioritize their personal and professional goals and find ways to achieve both. Include images and words representing their ideal balance between work and leisure time, such as a flexible work schedule, a fulfilling hobby or activity, or a supportive network of family and friends.


2. Contact charities and other organizations that help those in need.

Many people struggle with life circumstances. Imagine who may find it hard to remain optimistic about their future. Helping them to focus on their desires can help boost morale, instill hope, and motivate them to achieve their dreams. Before beginning, be ready to lend an ear and create a safe space for sharing thoughts.

Even though you are the facilitator, encourage participants to gather images and quotes that inspire action. Wonder around the room and provide words of encouragement during the entire process. If the charity does not have suitable space to work, consider church fellowship halls or maybe a teen or senior center.


3. Create a spiritual gathering.

Religious and spiritual organizations often seek speakers to give their members a more meaningful message. Spiritual and religious groups offer a unique opportunity to provide inspirational conversations to members, whether it be through stories, letters, or other activities.

Community fellowship halls are also a safe place for members to have a great time discovering words and images that attract meaningful transformations in life and business.

Consider offering a family workshop where children and their parents create boards to discuss their deepest desires and dreams. Spark conversations about how they can work together to make those a reality. Or you could provide religious education for students that encourages them to be hopeful and dream big.

Remind attendees that anything is possible with the power of faith and dedication that can take them to heights they never dreamed of before.


The Ultimate Guide to hosting a Vision Board Workshop and more. Click here to opt-in.

Ebook guide to visualization, digital vision boards, and hosting vision board workshops


4. Build your audience with social media.

Bring like-minded individuals together for discussion and create a social group that meets regularly.

You can use resources such as,, and Facebook to help find locals and special interest groups to join. Start the meeting with a BANG with an introduction to the law of attraction to envision what’s important. Then connect to your inner Oprah and get participants hyped about setting intentions and gaining clarity around living their best life!

New members may require extra support as they develop the first vision board. Returning members can bring older boards to discuss their progress and changes. Brainstorming or journaling about wild adventures or bucket list vacations can also be fun activities to add for people who’ve attended similar workshops.


5. New Year, New You.

Creating a vision board is often associated with New Year reflection and resolutions, but keep your potential for success open! Even though December and January are the best months for making New Year’s resolutions, remember all the other times you can get creative, reach people, and start something new. Take advantage of other opportunities throughout the year to reach people and create meaningful connections.

In-person workshops require extra time to plan.

  • Giving yourself enough time to book a room and publicize the event is vital. The earlier, the better! Seasoned event planners book events one year in advance. Luckily, if you are hosting a vision board workshop at a local business, then you would be safe booking six to four months out. However, you absolutely need three months to advertise the event.

  • Remember to print business cards and brochures to distribute at the vision board workshop. I use Canva to create simple and inexpensive paper products. Here is the mockup of the business card I used in giveaway boxes and at networking conferences. (affiliate link) creates premium business cards and fancy journals to offer as client gifts. Distribute flyers to local businesses and invite them personally to get even more people to attend. Lastly, create a sense of urgency by limiting the number of guests to avoid going against fire codes. Hosting a vision board workshop can be a great way to boost your business, expand your network, and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

You might be thinking, “What if I want to expand my virtual reach with a vision board webinar or masterclass”?

Good news! You can host a powerful vision board workshop online too. Check out the three tips and tools I’ve used for creating online vision boards here.

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 Siobhan is a US Air Force veteran, mother of two lively daughters, and clinical therapist.

As the Founder and CEO of Empower Women Veterans, she is a fierce advocate for diversifying the zeitgeist of the female military experience.

She is a 2x International Best-Selling author, mentor expert, and Women Veteran Influencer.

Siobhan is passionate about helping women veterans overcome the emotional barriers that block business success and mission completion.

In 2021, she won the Women Veterans Alliance Small Business Award and is frequently featured on podcasts, radio, and live audiences. Her mission is to inspire change through the power of our voices.

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