How To Create a Digital Vision Board: 3 Pro Tips To Digitalize Your Vision

by | Feb 9, 2023 | Business Foundations, Blog, Mental Wellness


Woman posting photos on a vision board.

Are you looking for a creative way to bring your goals and dreams to life? A digital vision board can be an effective way to focus on your ambitions and document your progress.

Wondering what a digital vision board can do for you?

A vision board is a collage of images, affirmations, and quotes representing what you hope to achieve. It can be a powerful visual reminder of your aspirations and help you stay on track. Making a digital vision board online can take your productivity to the next level and help you stay organized.

This blog post will discuss three tips for digitalizing your dream. From creating the best board structure to finding digital resources, we will cover all the basics to help you get started. By the end of this post, you will be able to craft a vision board that captures your passion and motivation, so you can stay focused and continue striving towards your goals.

3 Tips for Making an Online Vision Board

Love the idea of creating a vision board to help focus on your goals but don’t have the magazines? No worries! Make a digital vision board using online resources instead. Prioritize what matters and pick the goals you want to obtain this year. Find photos to represent those dreams – no glue or tape is required!

visualization with a digital vision board

Tip #1: Choose Your Platform

Digital vision boards can be made using Canva, Subliminal Vision Boards, or Pinterest. What sets these applications apart from simply making a photo collage is that you can add text and then save it as a jpg or png file. Once you finish the board design, save it and the wallpaper on your computer or phone. See, it’s already way more versatile than an outdated corkboard or a throwback to middle school poster board.

  • Canva is the most popular and accessible option for a dynamic image you can make for your computer or mobile device. If you have an upgraded account, you can resize the image to fit your tablet, laptop, and phone. If you are unfamiliar with the app, click here for a walk-through of my 2022 design. Surprise! Take a peek at my 2022 digital vision board at the end of this blog

  • Subliminal Vision Boards is a paid app available on both the Apple App Store and Google Play. At only $4.99 for lifetime access, this program has unlimited digital vision board creations, a healing sounds feature, and an action planner. Learn all about the cool features and how they impact your subconscious mind

  • Pinterest provides a convenient way to search for images that reflect your desired lifestyle and store them in a private or public board in the Settings section. Pinterest is the best idea generator for creating a digital vision board if you are stuck staring at a blank screen.

Tip #2: Pick Your Pics

With the sheer magnitude of millions of photos available online, it’s much easier and quicker to create a digital vision board than the “old fashioned” way – which would include searching through the few old magazines you tucked away in your bag during your tedious wait at the doctor’s office! It’s ok. We all do it. Because you can easily find almost anything on Google, you want to make sure you choose royalty-free images.


  • Unsplash is my go-to website for high-quality photos for the fabulous price of FREE.99! When time is of the essence, Unsplash is a database of thousands of user-submitted images that you can browse and download without making an account.

  • Canva Pro ups the ante on your standard image options with the free plan. Many of the stock photos are on other websites for a fee. Depending on how often you use the platform, it may be time to upgrade. 

  • Pinterest allows you to avoid copyright risks because the pins are not directly on your website. However, if you are easily distracted by shiny objects, beware of using the idea factory that is Pinterest.

  • Styled Stock Society (SSS) is my favorite paid option for professional and feminine stock images and short videos. If you decide to try SSS, tell them I sent you by clicking my affiliate link.

Visualization with vision boards masterclass

Tip #3: Use Photos As a Visual Representation of Your Dreams

A traditional vision board can limit your ability to find images that fit your emotions, almost like a mood board. Seek symbols of freedom and a carefree life, but focus on how achieving your short-term and long-term goals will uplift and motivate action. Words, quotes, and affirmations are underutilized additions to your project that get super specific in a powerful way.

  • The Law of Attraction suggests that “what we put out into the world, we attract back,” implying that having a positive outlook can lead to achieving our aspirations. Visualizing our goals through tools such as vision boards is a popular technique for manifesting our dreams. In other words, “where there’s a will, there’s a way.” Listen to Earl Nightingale elaborate in his talk, “The Strangest Secret.”

  • Stop “should-ing all over yourself”! A good friend and business mentor would say that to me when we got lost in a downward spiral of shoulda, woulda, coulda. Forget what is expected of you, and don’t let anyone else decide your fate. What excites you? What drives you to work hard and stay off the couch? What ignites your passion? Take some time to uncover these answers!

  • Spend time figuring out your WHY. Why is it that YOU have set these goals? Consider uncovering the WHY behind your business and what results you’re hoping to achieve. Is it a physical item, a trip to Paris, or a lifestyle you’re chasing? Each year, I like to evaluate my growth in seven areas of life: financial, physical, spiritual, interpersonal relationships, personal/emotional, professional, and education (always be learning).

  • Operation: Initiative If you are like me and want a small cabin on the lake, you can’t just think about it!  Looking at my 2022 aspirations, I really bit off more than I could chew with some of my lofty goals. That trip to Bora Bora never happened, and neither did my first $10k month. I forgot to put the systems in place to make enough money to celebrate my achievements with a fancy vacation package. I recommend breaking down your goals into manageable chunks and developing a plan that maps out a clear direction to accomplish your mission. Try using Trello to hold yourself accountable by establishing timelines and tracking your progress for each goal.

  • Be more flexible in 2023. The pandemic taught me one thing: it is absolutely okay to modify your plans! As we grow and life changes happen, our dreams and aspirations may shift. If you find your journey is more winding than anticipated, give yourself the freedom to pivot and explore something different. Embrace the art of personal evolution and trust in the journey that lies ahead.

Siobhan's 2022 Digital Vision Board

Siobhan’s 2022 Digital Vision Board



Having a digital vision board is a great way to stay focused on your goals. Not only does it provide a visual representation of what you want to achieve, but it also helps you to stay organized and motivated throughout the process. Before you rest for the night, consider your progress; envisioning success can inspire you to get up in the morning and keep moving forward toward your goals. By taking the time to jot down action steps and plan out how you’re going to achieve your goals, you’ll have the roadmap you need to have a successful year ahead.

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 Siobhan is a US Air Force veteran, mother of two lively daughters, and clinical therapist.

As the Founder and CEO of Empower Women Veterans, she is a fierce advocate for diversifying the zeitgeist of the female military experience.

She is a 2x International Best-Selling author, mentor expert, and Women Veteran Influencer.

Siobhan is passionate about helping women veterans overcome the emotional barriers that block business success and mission completion.

In 2021, she won the Women Veterans Alliance Small Business Award and is frequently featured on podcasts, radio, and live audiences. Her mission is to inspire change through the power of our voices.

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